SOWI Kosovo LLC plans to develop and operate the Wind Farm Selac I, II and III in Kosovo. The Project is located near the village of Bajgora in the municipality of Mitrovica, in Northern Kosovo. The wind farm project consists of 27 WTGs type GE 3.8-137 with a capacity of 3.83 MW with a hub height of 110 m and total capacity of 103.41 MW. The energy will be connected to the existing grid through an 110kV overhead line (OHL), having approximately 20 km length, that will be constructed as an associated facility within the scope of the project.
GR Albania was contracted to conduct site surveys regarding the biodiversity assessment of the area and more specifically regarding the flora and the butterflies of the area. The conducted site visits were along the OHL area as well as the Wind Farm area, which covers an area of 40 km². Walkover Studies were conducted by our specialized staff in order to obtain information on terrestrial flora and butterflies values within the study area. For both taxa, the main objective of the study is to identify the presence of species that could trigger the definition of CHs or PBFs in those areas around the WF using an approach coherent with EBRD.
- Target flora species: Daphne blagayana, Fritillaria gussichiae, Fritillaria montana, Senecio procerus, Echium russicum, Acer heldreichii, Gymnadenia conopsea, Nigritella nigra, Dactylorhiza viridis, Gentiana lutea, Genista radiate, Gentianella bulgarica;
- Target Butterfly species: Coenonympha orientalis, Colias caucasica subsp. balcanica, Euphydryas aurinia, Parnassius apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne, Phengaris arion and Polyommatus eros, Lycaena dispar
- Target flora species: Daphne blagayana, Fritillaria gussichiae, Fritillaria montana, Senecio procerus, Echium russicum, Acer heldreichii, Gymnadenia conopsea, Nigritella nigra, Dactylorhiza viridis, Gentiana lutea, Genista radiate, Gentianella bulgarica;
Name of client: | SOWI Kosovo LLC |
Country: | Kosovo |
Proportion carried out by legal entity (%): | 100% |
No. of staff provided: | 5 |